Saturday, December 20, 2008

We Wish You a Merry Christmas

We hope that you all enjoying the holidays with your families and successfully navigating all your holiday obligations. We look forward to seeing you all again in the new year when we'll be getting in touch to collect petitions ahead of the February deadline. If anyone needs additional petitions, please e-mail or call.


koufnac said...

is the petition going to be anywhere this week or next?

Concerned Citizens of Mandeville said...

634 Carrroll St. (corner of Carroll and Villere, 985-259-0051) is a permanent signing location. call and show up, pull into the driveway, I will bring out a clipboard.


Concerned Citizens of Mandeville said...

we have many people with sheets getting signatures so it is too difficult to keep track. everyone who is taking signatures needs to get their sheets to 634 Carroll St. Jan. 31. Even if you have only ONE signature turn it in. Every signature COUNTS.

People, keep the recall a current topic of conversation, work on those who are on the fence. Ask them what will they tell people when asked: "why didn't you sign the petition?"

History is being made people, what side of it do you want to be on?

artwerks said...

Please post the names of those on the petition so we know which businesses to boycott. If I see a business owner's name on the petition, I will never give them my business again. Wake up people. Many of those backing this petition do not live in Mandeville. Ask yourself one question. How much is this petition costing taxpayers?